Airport Tech Helps Prevent Delayed Flights
Published: February 9, 2022
Thanks to new technology, flight delays may soon be a thing of the past.
A delayed flight can put a dent in your plans whether you’re looking forward to a long vacation or you’re rushing to business meetings. Delayed flights are a big problem in the world.
Official reports show that the US had 16%, and the UK had 11% of their flights in 2021 delayed for even a little bit. The reasons for a delay aren’t simple, and they can be bad weather, refueling, or more.
An Israeli start-up, IntellAct, is set to change things to prevent delayed flights. It is a company that claims most delays are within the airline’s control. They say most delays are because of “turnaround services,” such as the plane being restocked, cleaned, or refueled.
With the security systems that airport operators already use, IntellAct’s AI system can detect delays automatically, highlight the problem, and recommend a plan.
Let’s suppose a fuel truck is running late. In this case, the artificial intelligence system will recommend that passengers board while the plane is being fuelled. A fire engine will need to be present as a precaution, but the delay will not be as bad as usual.
Udi Segall, the chief executive of IntellAct, said he got inspired while visiting a European airport that didn’t have a significant number of flights getting in and out but was interested in expanding their volume.
Airports in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East have already started evaluating the system, and there are indications that it could cut turnaround times by 15%.
However, there are doubts, and Prof Wachter from Oxford University says that monitoring how often employees take breaks and what they do can be stressful. She added that stress could lead to mistakes, leading to accidents, or oversights.
A travel industry expert said that with COVID-19, we became more comfortable using our phones to show personal information. Airlines have also started using apps to show you which gate your flight is departing from.