38 Vital Video Marketing Statistics & Facts You Should Know

Developing effective marketing strategies entails knowing the latest video marketing statistics and facts out there.

Videos have become essential tools for information sharing, and their use in marketing is gaining traction. Their popularity continues to expand as it becomes easier to view videos on more advanced smartphones. As viewing rates increase, promoting products and services through video becomes an even more effective tactic for marketers. 

We’ve compiled the following statistics to demonstrate the relationship between videos and marketing strategies. Read on.

The Top Video Marketing Statistics for 2022 (Editor’s Choice)

  • 55% of people watch at least one video online every day.
  • Around 33% of online activity is spent watching videos.
  • 40% of millennials go to YouTube for their content, and 60% of them say that the videos they’ve watched impacted their world view.
  • 72% of internet users learn about a product through videos
  • Users watch over a billion hours of video on YouTube every day. 
  • Online video statistics show that 82% of all internet traffic will come from online videos in 2022.
  • 70% of all YouTube video views come from mobile devices.
  • Videos generate 300% more traffic to a site than other content formats.
  • 83% of marketers say videos help them generate leads.
  • Videos are essential for 93% of marketing professionals.

Video Consumption Trends for 2022

1. 55% of people watch at least one video online every day.

(Source: Digital Information World)

The number of people who view video content is on the rise. In many ways, it’s much more engaging than text and other forms of content. As we’ll see later, videos also compel viewers to share, which creates better buzz.

2. 50% of users between 18 and 34 years old said they’d interrupt their activities to watch a new video from a creator they like.

(Source: Biteable)

These video stats show the influence video creators have over their fans or followers. Half of the users in the 18–34 demographic said they’re willing to stop what they’re doing in order to watch a new video from their favorite content creator. 

3. 82% of Twitter users have viewed video content on the platform.

(Source: Insivia)

If we consult the latest Twitter statistics, we’re looking at 314.9 million users. That’s a massive number of Twitter users you can reach with the right video campaign and content.

4. Around 33% of online activity is spent watching videos.

(Source: Wordstream)

Video popularity keeps increasing because it’s more interactive and engaging than text. That means there’s a 1 in 3 chance that a person online is watching a video. 

5. Millennials aged 25–34 watch the most online videos.

(Source: Wordstream)

Research shows that this age group consumes online videos more than any other. What’s more, after someone watches a video they find interesting, and they’ll often share it with their peers.

6. In the US, 85% of people using the internet watch videos online.

(Source: Chip Thompson)

Online video consumption statistics like this can leverage marketing to US consumers—video is an excellent way to advertise to them. Additionally, they could be watching video content on any of their devices, leaving marketers with the opportunity to choose which platform they think will be best.

7. More video content gets uploaded in a single month than what was produced in 30 years by the major US television networks.

(Source: Wordstream)

The ease of producing video content has led to video marketing statistics like the one above. It’s impressive, considering the amount of content television networks have been churning out for years. There’s so much content produced daily, and consumers are used to interacting with an extensive range of brands.

8. 72% of internet users learn about a product through videos.

(Source: Biteable)

These kinds of video engagement stats serve as a valuable reminder that videos—even marketing videos—can also be explanatory and detailed, sometimes more so than text. Because of product videos’ nature, their content is easier to remember than a written article, so it’s the preferred choice for learning about a particular product or service.

9. If they like a brand’s video, consumers will share it twice as likely instead of any other type of content.

(Source: Wyzowl)

Whenever someone finishes watching a video they find insightful and exciting – they’re compelled to share it with their friends or peers. Video marketing trends in 2021 show that marketers can use this to create awareness about a brand, increase engagement, and drive ROI values higher.

10. Around 60% of people would rather watch videos on an online platform instead of live TV.

(Source: ThinkwithGoogle)

Television consumption has been declining every year, which doesn’t necessarily mean that viewing rates have declined. There’s a good chance that people are still watching their favorite programs online instead of on live TV.

11. 54% of consumers want to see more video-based marketing content.

(Source: Hubspot)

Consumers are interested in seeing videos from the brands or products they like. These video marketing statistics demonstrate that marketers should proactively record and produce video content for their consumer’s needs. Industry influencers say video content is in high demand because there’s a greater chance of people paying attention to it.

12. Users spend an average of 88% more time on websites that have video content.

(Source: Forbes)

People tend to spend a long time on a website if it has videos that keep them engaged and interested. Thanks to the video marketing statistics from 2018 that Forbes published, we have a good reminder that every website needs at least one video to keep users interested.

13. Viewers absorb 95% of a video’s content.

(Source: Forbes)

Meanwhile, viewers retain only 10% of a message when reading in a text-based format. With such a vast difference, the value of video marketing is unquestionable.

14. Users watch over a billion hours of video on YouTube every day.

(Source: Oberlo)

That’s a lot of time just for one single website. If we look at the yearly video consumption, the numbers are even more fascinating. The most recent YouTube stats show that people collectively upload over 82,000 years worth of content on YouTube annually. 

These video statistics show that if enough engaging content is created, people will spend a lot of time watching it. With numbers like this, one can hardly talk about video marketing without discussing YouTube. With this in mind, we’ll dive into this platform next since it’s one of the best places for a brand to get noticed.

YouTube Statistics

15. YouTube has more than 2 billion logged-in users every month.

(Source: Search Engine Journal / Hustlr)

This is huge. Its closest competitor is Vimeo, with 42 million users in the US alone, according to Hustlr. With these numbers, it’s no wonder YouTube is essentially the second largest search engine.

16. In the US, 18% of adults go to YouTube for their news.

(Source: Foundation)

YouTube comes in just second behind Facebook on the list of US adults’’ favorite social networking sites to get news. Major brands such as Cisco, Microsoft, and HP also use it to share their press releases. Video content statistics show that YouTube is the preferred choice for 18% of adults to get their news.

17. Individual creators and influencers are responsible for 92% of branded YouTube videos.

(Source: Foundation)

Influencers control most of the branded videos on YouTube. In fact, YouTube influencers can be an excellent resource for marketers to partner with. Influencer marketing statistics show that brands will spend up to $1.5 billion on influencer marketing by 2022.

18. A study about video usage statistics from Google revealed that  65% of people use YouTube to help them solve a problem.

(Source: Think with Google)

Be honest, how many of you have gone to YouTube for directions on how to do something, like fixing something in the house that broke? The platform’s popular how-to videos are usually self-explanatory and easy to understand.

19. More than 70% of all YouTube videos are viewed on mobile devices.

(Source: YouTube)

What percentage of video views on YouTube comes from mobile devices? Because of the convenience and ease of use of mobile devices, more than 70% of all views on YouTube are via mobile. It means that to use videos for marketing effectively, you should optimize them

 for mobile devices.

20. According to YouTube, their mobile video view rates double every year.

(Source: Hubspot)

Stats like this show that more and more people consider YouTube the go-to place to find videos. This fact stems from the convenience of watching mobile videos on the go. 

21. Users watch 41.9 minutes of YouTube videos a day on average.

(Source: Hootsuite)

The above stat is especially true among the 18 years old and above audiences.

And that’s enough about YouTube, even though we could go on and on. As you may well know, YouTube isn’t the only website that provides video-related services. There’s so much more out there concerning the topic in question, and next up, we’ll take a peek at some of them.

Video Search Statistics

22. 22% of people have visited the website featured in a video ad they saw.

(Source: Video Brewery)

After watching video ads, research shows that 22% of people became interested enough to search for the website named in the ad. This shows that the ad has performed its objective, leaving the viewer wanting more information.

23. The chances of a website being on the front page of Google increases by 53 times if it has a video.

(Source: Insivia)

Video marketing stats like the one above happen because videos improve your website’s SEO. This, in turn, improves how well your site ranks in a search. So if you want your website or brand to be found easily when related keywords are used, it’s essential to include videos on your website.

24. Putting a video on a landing page can potentially increase conversion rates by 80%.

(Source: Unbounce)

One of the most remarkable video marketing facts every marketer must keep in mind is that videos make people stay longer on your site, and they help them understand your message and brand better. Videos also create a sense of trust, especially when the video includes the company’s visuals and its employees.

25. As much as 82% of all internet traffic will come from online videos in 2022.

(Source: Conversion XL)

For both desktop and mobile, the video browsing stats show that videos tremendously increase search traffic on a website. They will account for 82% of all internet traffic next year. It’s because search engines prioritize videos when releasing search results.

Video Viewership

26. 85% of Facebook videos are viewed with the sound off, but 60% of Instagram Stories are viewed with the sound on.

(Source: Omnicore Agency / Instagram)

These Facebook video stats reveal that you must display all the important information on the screen when creating Facebook videos. If information is shared via audio only, most of your audience will miss it. Meanwhile, for Instagram, important information can be passed on with audio since there’s a greater likelihood of the viewer hearing it. After all, videos on Instagram are twice as more likely to see engagement than photos.

27. 65% of viewers skip online video ads once the video allows it.

(Source: Biteable)

Video advertising stats show it’s vital that ads in this format get straight to the point. Many people skip online video ads the first chance they get, so it’s necessary to grab their attention as quickly as possible. The video should be creative, entertaining, and engaging enough to make the viewer stay and watch the entire ad. 

28. 71% of people watch more videos online than they did just a year ago.

(Source: Hubspot)

With the added attention online video marketing is getting, video stats such as this one tell us that videos are becoming more enlightening and entertaining. It makes people feel more encouraged to watch this content. The data continues to demonstrate that video advertising is constantly gaining more traction.

29. Shorter videos—i.e., those under 2 minutes long—have the most engagement.

(Source: Biteable / Breadnbeyond)

A recurring theme here: users are more receptive to short videos that make their point fast, as based on video consumption statistics. Because most people have a short attention span,  which is, according to an audience engagement research, between 60 and 90 seconds, when creating videos, it’s crucial to make sure all the vital information is delivered to the viewer in less than two minutes for maximum effect. Needless to say, it’s to avoid boring your audience before they get to the call-to-action part of the video.

More Interesting Video Marketing Stats

Here are some stats that will help you understand how videos could serve as a goldmine for marketers and advertisers.

30. As much as 93% of marketing professionals say that video is important in their marketing strategy.

(Source: Wyzowl)

Video marketing is at its peak right now. It’s no wonder more businesses are eager to include it in their marketing strategy for the coming years. In fact, any marketer ignoring the power of video-focused digital marketing strategies, which is one of the top SEO trends for 2020, will lose out on the opportunities it entails.

31. Videos attract about 300% more traffic to a site.

(Source: Biteable / Breadnbeyond)

This video marketing statistics shows video is always an advantage to a site. When a complicated technology or service needs to be explained, it’s often easier to use video marketing for this task. It has noticeably improved traffic to sites as consumers are encouraged to come back for more helpful information.

Moreover, according to Breadnbeyond, by 2022, we can expect 82% of all consumer traffic to come from online videos.

32. 7 out of 10 marketers optimize their videos for SEO.

(Source: Renderforest)

Optimizing their videos makes it easier for users to find them when they search online. Online video statistics like this show that to stay ahead of the competition, marketers need to help users locate specific videos for the brands and products they’re interested in. That’s why, according to the latest SEO statistics, marketers use videos 80% of the time for their social media marketing.

33. 83% of marketers say videos help them generate leads.

(Source: Optinmonster)

Every brand needs an effective video marketing strategy. By using various video marketing techniques, businesses can educate consumers about their brand or their products through exciting visuals. It helps customers trust companies more and feels closer to them. Video usage statistics like this remind marketers about the benefits they’ll see when they incorporate video into their strategy. 

34. Click rates increase by 300% when videos are added to emails.

(Source: Hubspot)

When using emails to reach out to consumers, incorporating videos can help to make them more entertaining. Adding videos can potentially increase the chances of the links being clicked by over 300%.

35. 65% of executives will go to a brand’s site after watching a relevant video.

(Source: Forbes)

Video advertising stats show that executives are receptive to video marketing and notice the ads that run with videos. Younger executives are more engaged with this kind of marketing and are more likely to contact a potential vendor or respond to the ad.

36. Around 66% of marketers believe that they will be successful with TikTok.

(Source: Blogging)

TikTok is relatively new and may not be anything close to YouTube yet. But it has been showing massive growth potential since its creation. A good chunk of marketers feels that they will be successful in using it in their marketing strategies.

B2B Video Marketing Statistics

37. 73% of B2B marketers find that video helps their ROI.

(Source: Blue Corona)

Video marketing has shown a considerable increase in ROI when used effectively.  This encourages more businesses and marketers to utilize videos for advertising. Compared with the cost of creation, videos have proven to be an effective way to reach people. 

38. 96% of B2B companies want to use video in their content marketing.

(Source: Social Media Today)

More companies want more content from industry thought leaders. Video engagement stats also show that it keeps people on a business’s site longer. Video can help them share their views and control the conversation. 


If you use video marketing, it’s crucial to modify your strategy to reflect the above stats and stay ahead of your competition. These stats will also help you measure your growth and see how your video marketing campaign works in your overall marketing strategy.

Video marketing is a great way to engage your consumer base and attract new customers. The video marketing statistics above demonstrate some of the best methods to maximize your reach and gain new ground.


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